Monday, February 20, 2012

Tri-boot your Ipod video (5G/5.5G)

Tri-boot your Ipod video (5G/5.5G) Tube. Duration : 9.37 Mins.

I did not make this tut, I only made the video. THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO COPY PASTE: "ipodpatcher -ab loader.bin" (DONT COPY THE QUOTES) How do i know weather my ipod is a 5G or a 5.5G? Simple if your ipod has a search feature when you click music its a 5.5G it it doesn't then its a 5G. 5G 60 gig - 5G 30 gig - 5.5G 80 gig - 5.5G 30 gig -

Tags: mod, ipod, linix, mac, rockbox, games, fun, se7en,

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